Four parts of the complete water treatment equipment configuration

Water is too important for a family, but the quality of home water is often overlooked by people. These problems are so small that they affect the laundry and cooking and affect the health of the family.

A complete set of water treatment equipment configuration should contain the following four parts:

Pre-filter -> Central water purifier -> Water softener -> End straight drink machine (around water softener)

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1. Water for domestic use.

In fact, a lot of domestic water comes from urban underground pipelines and roof water tanks, which contain particulate impurities (mainly based on silt and rust). The solution is to install pre-filters. This filter is so important that it is the most important product in a household water treatment product. What water equipment in your home is not equipped with this product? Many countries in Europe use laws to force every household to load, just like our country’s Iodine is added inside the salt. Such products should be firm and strong enough to not look beautiful. It doesn't need to be too elaborate. Too fine will affect the water pressure, and too small particle impurities are also difficult to clean. It is mainly responsible for blocking the large particle impurities in the tap water from entering the domestic pipe system. Although these particulate impurities are not large, they will accumulate in the domestic pipe system and in water heaters, washing machines and other equipment. It is extremely difficult to remove them. This water we use every day to brush your teeth, wash your face, take a bath, etc. Every day, the use of water that infiltrates dirt waste is a great erosion of our health.

2. Problems with odors (including residual pesticides, heavy metals, etc.).

Let us first talk about the problem of different colors. The problem is that the tap water in Shanghai is more prominent. The underground pipelines in Shanghai are relatively old. The rusty and corroded pipes cause the yellow water in the tap water. The yellow color is mainly the iron ions dissolved in the water and suspended in the water. Rust particles. These metal ions are not harmful, but they will affect your mood when using water, such as when you wash your face.

The second problem is odor problems. Tap water is mostly sterilized with chlorine. When chlorine is dissolved in water, it becomes hypochlorous acid or hypochlorite ion, which is commonly known as effective residual chlorine. Hypochlorous acid has extremely high oxidizing power, such as Tap water contains effective residual chlorine, which can prevent the growth of bacteria (pathogens) when it stays in the distribution pipe, so the effective residual chlorine plays a very important role in the safety and health of tap water. Disinfecting tap water with disinfectant containing chlorine is cheap, effective, and easy to operate. It is popular and universal. However, chlorine is a double-edged sword, which has a good effect on the killing of bacterial cells, but also has serious effects on other living cells and human cells.

Such problems are generally solved by a central water purifier, which utilizes an ultra-large surface area of ​​activated carbon to adsorb the odor in the water. Adsorption saturation should be replaced after the activated carbon filter. Because activated carbon filters can also filter particulate impurities in water, some people think that installing a central water purifier does not require prefilters on the front. Actually, this is a mistake. Activated carbon is used to absorb the odor of the different colors. If you use it to filter impurities, it will cause great waste of activated carbon. It is like taking your newly purchased white shirt to wipe the table. Although the table can be cleaned, your white shirt Also how to wear, it should be to get rags to get things done. The sediment impurities will block the pores on the surface of the activated carbon particles, so that the water cannot pass through the activated carbon, and the large surface area will not be able to exert the adsorption effect, causing the filter element to be scrapped in advance. Central water purifiers with backwashing are also very difficult to flush out these sediment impurities.

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