Four-step selection of green paint to create a green and refreshing home

In modern decoration, paint will be used in large quantities, and composite sheets and adhesives will be used in many cases. These are the main sources of harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, toluene, and xylene. If the paint is not properly selected, the hazards of benzene, toluene, xylene and other gases emitted by it are very serious. According to statistics from authoritative agencies, more than 100,000 people die every year from home-clothing pollution.

For many people who are preparing to decorate, how can the prevention of home-clothes pollution caused by the paint be so serious? Relevant health experts and home furnishing experts believe that choosing environmentally friendly coatings is the key to eliminating pollution from home furnishings! To buy environmentally friendly and healthy paint, follow the five steps below.

Step one: Determine the brand of environmental protection paint, understand word of mouth and compare it online.

The brand has a high reputation, good reputation, stable product quality, and security. When buying paint, you should try to choose a good reputable dealer to purchase a paint product with a corresponding brand. You can search online for some brands in advance to understand their introduction and online comments. Then compare some green paint brands and choose from them. For example, in the brand of environmental protection coatings, 3A environmental protection paint is one of the earliest companies focusing on the research and development and production of environmental protection coatings. Its 3A silver ion antibacterial wall paint and wood paint have been launched since its launch, with their long-lasting antibacterial and antibacterial activities. The multiple advantages of low VOC, clean taste, degradation of formaldehyde and other harmful substances, as well as the efficient purification of indoor air have been welcomed by the owners. Its concept of “environmental protection” is an interpretation of the natural and healthy trends, and this concept is entering into thousands of thousands of homes. Among the households, this autumn's natural environmental protection style has been swayed.

Step 2: Look at the labeling of the paint overpack.

These logos should include the product name, implementation standard number, place of production, model number, specifications, and instructions for use. If it is a well-known brand, it is generally accompanied by a national exemption certificate, a famous brand certificate and a well-known Chinese trademark mark. Most environmental protection coatings have multiple honorary certificates. For example, the well-known environmental protection paint brand 3A environmental protection paint has "National Green Choice Brand Enterprise for Users in the National Market", "China Environmental Product Certification", "China Quality Top 500" and "Top Ten Quality Brand". , "National Inspection-free Products", "Building Coatings Enterprise Class A Qualification Certificate" and many other authoritative organizations to authenticate, choose this well-known paint brand, eliminating the need for a lot of identification and after-sales service trouble.

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