Cleverly designed: to help you hide clothes hangers

Living in the living room and enjoying the sunlight coming from the window is a concept for many people. Therefore, many people choose to get through the living room and balcony. This brings a new problem: from the living room, you can see the clothes rack, which makes people feel very Comfortable and uncoordinated with overall design and atmosphere. It is understood that many small apartment units will encounter such embarrassment because they do not have a dedicated balcony. In fact, if it is designed in advance, the drying racks can be perfectly integrated into the overall design of the house.

Tomorrow clothes rack

House design

Causes the laundry to regret

Many readers reflected that there is no balcony in the house and a window outside the living room. Therefore, the drying rack must be set on the side of the window. However, due to poor consideration in advance, it was found after finishing that the drying rack on the side of the window was directly in the living room. One of the highlights, the feeling does not match the design of the entire room, and it is very garish. "The living room was originally made of ceilings and it was strange to have a clothes rack directly on the ceiling." The reader's statement is more representative. No way, she had to remove the drying rack and use a folding drying rack. However, she still hopes to have a very good way to handle the beautiful and generous clothes rack.

The reporter consulted with the designer. According to Chen Jie, the designer of the industry's peak decoration store in the north, a drying rack can be set directly on the balcony before the hanging clothes. Since there is a beam between the balcony and the living room, the drying rack can be blocked. Even though the drying racks were exposed, the beam made the living room and the balcony a very clear distinction, and the awkwardness of the clothes racks in the living room was not strong.

However, many types of apartments, especially small ones, no longer have a special balcony, so the drying racks can only be installed in the living room, which has a great influence on the decorative effect of the living room. Even if there is a threshold between the living room and the windows, many owners choose to remove the threshold for the sake of convenience and transparency. The living room and the balcony are directly connected so that the living room and the balcony can be integrated into one another and the same problem will be encountered. If there are no other places in the room to dry clothes, and the living room generally has ceilings, in this case, we must consider the corresponding treatment of drying racks. Into the shape

According to the entire decoration style, consider the design of clothes hangers into the entire ceiling. Chen Jie introduced that if it is a country style, the living room uses a wooden grille top, according to the characteristics of drying racks, a few of the ceiling next to the window as a drying rack. Only two or three ceilings used as drying racks need to be reinforced, and considering the height of the clothes, the ceilings are designed to be ladder-like and the heights are split, so that the wooden beams of the ceiling become drying racks.

In addition, there are some owners who like to cultivate flowers, and they can consider putting racks in the form of flower racks in the windowsill. In this way, when drying clothes, it is a drying rack, which is usually a flower rack, and it does not appear to be very abrupt.

Clothes racks to buy good wife clothes rack living room hanger window space decoration living room background decoration living room decoration style function sofa bed flower frame function sofa grille light small apartment TV background wall small apartment wall decoration home

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