Composite flooring to pay attention to the most important environmental protection

Now many families will choose to meet the floor, the price is relatively modest, good value for money, then how to buy laminate flooring has been a lot of users advice. Xiao Bian answers you from the following aspects!

壹Floor reinforced floor

Wear resistance

This is an important indicator of the quality of composite flooring. Objectively speaking, the higher the wear-resistance, the longer the floor should be used, but the value of the wear-resistance is not the only standard to measure the floor life. Under normal circumstances, the number of wear-resistant revolutions of composite flooring has reached 10,000 rpm, while products with less than 10,000 rpm have different levels of wear after 1 to 3 years of use.

After swelling

This indicator can be regarded as qualified within 3%. Otherwise, the floor will experience deformation when it encounters humidity, or when the humidity is relatively high and the surrounding seal is not strict, which will affect the normal use.

Formaldehyde content

This is a key indicator of whether the product we choose is harmful to the body, but it is easily overlooked by consumers. According to European standards, the formaldehyde content of every 100 grams of floor shall not exceed 9 milligrams. If more than 9 milligrams are unqualified products.

Floor thickness

At present, the thickness of the floor in the market is generally 6 to 12 mm, and the thickness should be thicker when selected. The thicker the thickness, the longer the service life will be, but at the same time, consider the actual needs of the family.

Assembling effect

You can take two pieces of flooring to assemble and see if they are neat and tight after assembly.

Flooring purchase Del flooring nature floor formaldehyde door prices

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