Four points of attention for hydropower construction

Due to the wide variety of building materials, materials management in the building materials market is not standardized. When purchasing electricity, electricity, water, electricity, water supply, and other water supply materials, do not plan to purchase cheaper products. Buy regular products, and carefully check the production licenses. Business license, test report, 3C certification and other information is complete, and the formal invoice must be opened. In the hydropower construction process, the following points are mainly noted:

1. Do not damage the original wire piping or plumbing piping when drilling holes. When the electrical conduit is laid, it is necessary to thread the conduit. Do not bury the wire directly on the ground or in the wall. This is not only unsafe, but it cannot be repaired once it is damaged. After the plumbing pipe is applied, the plumbing pipe must be pressure tested. After the pipe is qualified, the next process is performed to prevent the pipe from leaking and causing damage. When the power line meets the waterway, it should be powered on and keep a certain distance. PVC pipe should be less press the head (head to brush PVC glue)

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2, the installation of lights and sockets should be separated, the kitchen, living room, etc. should be as much as several points; empty open according to the size of the load selection, outlet must be installed leakage switch, rooms and toilets need to do waterproof parts, done after the waterproof must do Closed water test, after passing qualified.

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