Practical wire purchase three trick

Nowadays, there are many types of wires sold in the market, and some inferior products are mixed in them, which seriously affects our electricity safety and has buried our lives with long-term hidden dangers.

In theory, the wire must first use a copper wire that meets the standard. Insulation materials must be reliable and resistant to aging. Specific standards should use BVV2 × 2.5 and BVV2 × 1.5 models of wire. BVV is a national standard code and is a copper sheathed wire. 2x2.5 and 2x1.5 represent two cores 2.5 mm2 and two cores 1.5 mm2 respectively. Under normal circumstances, 2 × 2.5 as the main line, trunk, 2 × 1.5 as a single electrical branch, line. The single-phase air-conditioning special line uses BVV2×4, and it is equipped with a special ground wire.

However, there is a difference between theory and reality. Today's counterfeit goods are more true than real goods. Therefore, in combination with my experience, I will talk about three major moves in the selection of wires in reality.

First move, purchase route

Cable can be wire

In big cities, buying authentic products is actually very easy. Just call the factory directly to buy them. 25 lines of 168 yuan (Dachang's national standard line is full-scale). There is also online ordering online.

For the small cities, it is much more troublesome. Before you buy, you can call the factory and ask if there is any agent in the city and if there is any delivery. If not, try not to choose the wires of these brands. Most of the outside purchases are fake. When buying wires from unknown manufacturers, try to choose the products of the big city wire factories. It is best to go to the agents to buy them, which is cheap and reliable.

Wire shopping entrance decoration restaurant decoration air conditioning price electrical appliances

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