Recruitment is the classic 2011 decoration must-see hood selection

Now in the home, each household must buy a range hood. There are a wide range of range hoods on the market and the price is not even. Selecting a good range hood is crucial for the family's future life. Some considerations in the purchase of the hood.

Open kitchen, health care, skin care, energy conservation, many factors have caused rapid changes in the performance and appearance of range hoods. What kind of range hood should you choose? We have organized the following purchase instructions for you, not to mention that each one is very useful.

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1. Hoods should be opened early and closed

Hoods should be used throughout the cooking process. Many people think that the function of the hood is to smoke the cooking fumes produced during cooking. This is just one of the functions of the hood, and it can also discharge harmful gases in the kitchen. Gas stoves will produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and respirable dust particles during use. If they are burned for a few minutes, nitrogen compounds will exceed the standard by five times, and carbon monoxide gas will exceed the standard by more than 65 times. If the cooker hood is turned on only when cooking, it will not be able to discharge all the exhaust gas produced when the gas is burned.

The correct way to use it is to open the hood as soon as cooking starts, whether it is frying, frying, or boiling, steaming, stewing, even if the cooking is over, do not immediately turn off the hood and should let it continue to operate. minute.

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