Solar trash debut on Cheonggye street

Trash can not only collect garbage, but at night, this bin will use the electricity stored during the day to light up the advertising light box, so that the trash can stand out in the darkness for the convenience of the public.

Recently, the reporter visited the main road of Xiangman Road in Qingxi Town and discovered that there is a new type of trash can on the roadside—a solar energy trash can. A new solar battery was placed on the head of the newly placed trash can, and an outdoor advertising board was hung on the body. Underneath it was a garbage container.

It is understood that this new type of trash can be used for advertising and garbage collection. Each box is equipped with a battery. When the sun is used, it is stored. Even if there is less sunlight for a period of time, it can last for 7 to 10 days. If the bin is full, it will be automatically reminded to arrange for workers to clean up.

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