Ginger common disease prevention methods and medication standards

Friends who have planted ginger know that the common pests of ginger include ginger soft foot disease, ginger rot disease, ginger mites, etc. How to effectively control ginger pests and diseases? How to control ginger pests and diseases?

1. Ginger soft foot disease: commonly known as ginger hair, this disease is in the peak period from the Xiaoman to the summer. At the beginning of the disease, the stems and leaves wilted, and then turned yellow, the leaves atrophied, and the roots were water-stained. The cross section of the ginger stem near the root is about 3cm, and the cross section is light black. Soon, the milky white mucus flows out. If you don't pull it out, in a few days, the stems and leaves will rot and stink, and spread to other plants.

Ginger soft foot disease is a bacterial disease that is mainly transmitted through soil, water and ginger. Therefore, prevention must be done. The method is as follows: 1 Choose the disease-free soil or planted the rice plot: 2 to the disease-free area: 3 to prevent the roots of the ginger from water and the stain; 4 Once the disease should be removed, the diseased plants should be removed in time, and 5% lime is used. Water or 50g of potassium permanganate is used to disinfect the soil with 50kg of water.

2. Ginger rot: The disease is caused by the skin rot to the center (the ginger sputum is from the heart to the skin), and the water is accumulated or the unfertilized manure is applied, which is easy to cause the disease. The main preventive measures are: do not allow the ginger to accumulate water; the farmyard fertilizer applied should be cooked. If it has already occurred, it can be applied to Bordeaux mixture or soil disinfection according to the method of preventing soft feet.

3. Pests; mainly ginger carp, farmers call it a heartworm. The larvae feed on the larvae to cause the leaves to be yellow, and in severe cases, the whole plant can die. Prevention and treatment methods: Early killing of ginger mites, catching larvae, or poisoning at the first and second instar larvae. The worm can be seen from the larvae at the beginning of May, and the peak of the ginger seedlings in July and August is the peak period. Prevention and treatment are better at applying larvae at lower ages. In the larval stage, 50g of pyrethroid pesticides can be sprayed on water 300--400kg, or 400g of water can be sprayed on the heart of ginger seedlings in the evening. When the liquid flows to the stem, the ginger larvae can be poisoned. kill.

Another kind of pest is called ginger worm, and its adult is a kind of fly. It can be immersed in the pest area with 5000 times of dichlorvos to kill larvae and prevent its spread from harming other plants.

More pesticide knowledge, please pay attention to pesticide network

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